Fix Your Alternator With a Few Simple Steps
The alternator in your car is extremely important as it is what is responsible for keeping your car battery charged. Providing the electrical current that is needed to keep your car running, the importance of an alternator is not something to underestimate.
When the alternator begins to fail, a light on your dash should light up. Even without this light, it is pretty simple to detect when your alternator may be on its way out. If you start your car and the engine cranks slowly or doesn’t crank at all, there may be an issue. Just remember, there are other issues that may be the cause of this, but having each system checked would be the best route to take.
Our Ford service center near Baltimore can help shoppers figure out what the problem is with ease. With well-trained technicians and a welcoming waiting area, our service team can help you feel at home while we work effectively and efficiently to get your car back on the road. While we are here to help, you can change your alternator on your own time if you desire. Check out the steps below!
Ford Drivers Near Baltimore
*Disconnecting and then reconnecting the battery is an important part of replacing the alternator. Be sure to see your service manual before doing this so you can see the specific steps you need to take according to your vehicle.
Find the alternator! Open the hood and look to the drivebelt end of the engine. The alternator is usually high on the engine so it is easy to find. If this isn’t the case, the car may need to be lifted so it can be accessed from underneath the engine component.
Make sure the belt is tight and in good shape. The alternator may be dysfunctioning if the belt is damaged or slipping.
Disconnect the cable from the negative terminal.*
Be sure to check to see how the drivebelt is routed and then remove it. For most current-day vehicles, you’ll need to rotate a spring-loaded tensioner away from the belt so that the tension is relieved and the belt can easily be slipped off.
Disconnect the electrical connectors from the alternator.
Remove the alternator from engine component by unscrewing the alternator mounting bolts.
To reinstall, follow these steps in reverse. Be sure to follow the procedures that are laid out in the service manual about battery re-connection.
Be sure to keep up on our Baltimore area Ford service specials and see how we can help you save big! We really want to give everybody top-notch service, and through offering exceptional savings on quality service, we can bring a smile to the faces of any. Don’t let your alternator go unnoticed, and let us help.
To learn more about about what our service department can do for you, contact Apple Ford Lincoln by calling us at (866) 695-6642.